"Living Out the Spirit of Christ Within (#2: Choose to Get Personal)

Sermon Date: 
Jul 10 2016
Sermon Audio: 

Weekly Spiritual NOURISHMENT:
Read & Reread John 14:15-20; 2 Peter 1:1-9

Weekly Spiritual REFLECTION:
•Christianity is the desire to spiritually grow and know the presence of Christ within you through the Holy Spirit. How might you become more intentional getting to personally know the presence of Christ abiding within you?

Weekly Spiritual APPLICATION:
•Choose to spend a minimum of10 minutes in prayer and 10 minutes reading God’s Word each day this week and then reflect (i.e., what was your week like? your attitude? your strength? wisdom? courage? etc.)

The power of sin has been destroyed through Jesus Christ who gives you a new personal power within you through the God-person of Holy Spirit. "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness... For this reason, make every effort to add to your faith..." What choices are you making to willingly grow in your faith that deepens the holy-love relationship with the Holy Spirit within you?

Pastor Trevor